Marine Equipments & Related Accessories
In 2001, we established Hungaanu, a bigger and well-stocked outlet near the north habour of Male' to cater to the increasing demand for globally acclaimed brands of Marine & Life Saving Equipments.
You can get the same product range as Samugaa; Lalizas, Seafirst, RULE, JABSCO and others.
Featured Products

Aluminum Boat Top/Covers
Marine Grade Aluminum Boat Top Covers
Different sizes and colours of Aluminum Boat Top/Cover available now at Hungaanu. Products come with all hardware to install on your boat.
Visit our store to see the available items.

Fire Extinguishers
Leading Brand of Extinguishers from UAE
We have selected & imported the most practical Fire Extinguishers to be used on your vessels exclusively from Emirates.
Dry Powder, FOAM & CO2 Fire Extinguishers from 4.5kg to 10kg are available at our store.

Lalizas & Ocean Products
Lalizas Lifesaving Equipments & Ocean Fenders and more
World's leading European brand of Marine Equipments from Greece. Produced to highest standards of ISO & SOLAS for marine applications.
Get your FOAM Lifejackets, Inflatable Lifejackets, LED Series & Standard Navigation Lights, OCEAN Inflatable fenders and many more products at our store.

Marine Grade SS Products
Best Quality Cleats, Bollards & more
We have available at our stores SS Cleats from 4" to 10", SS Barrel Bolts, SS Bollards from 2-Bit to Cross & Normal Bollards, SS Hinges & many more.
Visit our store to see the our extensive range of SS Products for your boats.